Project Brief This roofing company, located in a small town 40 miles from the closest metro area, needed to place itself into a more competitive position with larger companies in the metro area, and throughout the state. We met several times, to develop a game plan and site design. This culminated in the [...]

Bogart’s Laundromat
Admin37122018-04-12T17:14:03+00:00Project Brief This client had a website hosted on The client wanted a better site with better performance but there was really nothing we could do to increase the performance because Wix has all the files locked down and inaccessible to us. The client requested that we redesign the site, and move [...]
Billings K9 Coaching
Admin37122018-03-21T23:19:08+00:00Project Brief A little humor, a little 'cutsie', and a lot of dog. We had a lot of fun working with this client and, with her input, developed the perfect website for her and for her clients. It didn't take long, for this website, to be the talk of the kennel [...]
Gary Kerby Art
Admin37122018-03-20T15:38:11+00:00Project Brief When you create custom art, how do you get your work in front of potential clients? You have a professional website created, of course! For this website, we included elements our client hadn't expressly requested. We knew, that for the site to be successful, these pieces had to be in place. [...]
Ranch Livingston
Admin37122018-03-20T15:36:59+00:00This client needed to have a more upscale appearance, to better attract property buyers interested in seven figure properties. After our initial meeting, we had the plan laid out and knew exactly how to proceed. We kept to the enterprise level appearance, and balanced it with carefully chosen, Montana-esq, elements. The website has been widely [...]
Website Performance Optimization
Admin37122018-03-19T22:45:31+00:009 out of 10 websites, currently active on the Internet, rank poorly in performance. They look nice and have all of the content the client requires, but the programming that actually makes the site is poorly executed. This makes a website load slower than it could, security of the site is often not as tight [...]
Donec Magna Velit
Admin37122014-09-10T18:34:38+00:00Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque sed varius ipsum, vitae sodales erat. Etiam elit lorem, lacinia vitae sollicitudin ac, egestas ut risus. In vitae nulla eu odio vehicula ultrices in in ipsum. In porttitor lectus vel augue faucibus, at viverra mauris bibendum. Ut consequat at lorem non scelerisque. Cras commodo lacinia orci [...]
Duis Imperdiet Malis
Admin37122014-09-10T18:34:34+00:00Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque sed varius ipsum, vitae sodales erat. Etiam elit lorem, lacinia vitae sollicitudin ac, egestas ut risus. In vitae nulla eu odio vehicula ultrices in in ipsum. In porttitor lectus vel augue faucibus, at viverra mauris bibendum. Ut consequat at lorem non scelerisque. Cras commodo lacinia orci [...]
Non Mattis Tortor
Admin37122014-09-10T18:34:31+00:00Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque sed varius ipsum, vitae sodales erat. Etiam elit lorem, lacinia vitae sollicitudin ac, egestas ut risus. In vitae nulla eu odio vehicula ultrices in in ipsum. In porttitor lectus vel augue faucibus, at viverra mauris bibendum. Ut consequat at lorem non scelerisque. Cras commodo lacinia orci [...]
Faucibus Tellus
Admin37122014-09-10T18:34:29+00:00Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque sed varius ipsum, vitae sodales erat. Etiam elit lorem, lacinia vitae sollicitudin ac, egestas ut risus. In vitae nulla eu odio vehicula ultrices in in ipsum. In porttitor lectus vel augue faucibus, at viverra mauris bibendum. Ut consequat at lorem non scelerisque. Cras commodo lacinia orci [...]